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 A beautifully handcarved Buddha statue! This posture is known as Calling The Earth to Witness, and it is the definition of the moment of enlightenment for the Buddha. It is the story of how the Buddha, after six years, finally was at the verge of enlightenment. A trully grounding statue found in Northern Thailand during our travels! 


Dimensions: Height: 22 cm /  Width: 15.5cm  /  L: 8cm

* comes with certificate of Legal Export 

Calling The Earth Buddha Statue

€120.00 Regular Price
€96.00Sale Price
  • No returns for these statues as they are unique (not mass produced) and they are exactly as shown in the images/descriptions :) 


Eptakomis 1, Agios Athanasios, Limassol, 4105


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