Once you have identified depression these 3 things happen to your Body:
- Neurotransmitter Imbalance (Neurotransmitters associated are serotonin, nor-epinephrine, and dopamine)
- Hormone Imbalance (Hormones affected: progesterone, estrogen, endorphins, and cortisol) Endorphins are considered the "feel good" #hormones and Cortisol the "stress and pain" hormone
- Pituitary- Adrenal Axis Imbalance - Connects the central #nervous & #endocrine Systems.
- Medication
- Psychotherapy
- Massage Therapy & Bodywork
MASSAGE THERAPY & BODYWORK can have a significant therapeutic value when fighting depression in 3 ways:
- TOUCH - The #humantouch improves the efficiency of Pituitary- Adrenal Axis. When the axis has a healthy function it neutralizes the chemical changes that cascade when a threat is present!l. Also, The absence of touch can be a big factor to cause depression and the ironic fact is that during depression people tend to isolate even further. It is important to consider it another way to help in anti-depressant behavior so that it is a "to do" process and not a "what if" for the patient to think over.
- Right and Left lobe brain symmetry minimizes depression susceptibility: The right frontal lobe is associated with a sad mood effect and the left frontal lobe with a happy mood effect. Post Massage Therapy, the shift in electroencephalograph caused by #massage can have a profound effect on a person's emotional state.
- Natural Hormone & Neurotransmitter Balance via Massage Therapy - The shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic state brings physiological and chemical changes such as the increase in serotonin/endorphin and the decrease in cortisol.
IMPORTANT: Any progress in the depression state via Massage Therapy SHOULD NOT lead in any autonomous decision making of the patient such as to stop any other ongoing treatment such as medication intake!
MY EXPERIENCE - As a Massage Therapist & Bodyworker I have experienced tons of Emotional Breakdowns/Release or Uplifting Experiences from my receivers which in turn justifies this research. It is a sacred moment where the receiver is not quite prepared for, as sometimes the connection between the mind and body is lost. When such event takes place, it is sometimes the first sudden step to reconnect and become more aware of how the psychological state affects the physical, but with a personal experience and not a theoretical one.
Even though I am one to say I am a manual bodyworker, the psychological state of my receivers is something that I truly care for. However, I am not affected by it as I know that my manual practice in combination with my loving nature will eventually release physical, and emotional blockages simultaneously or one will lead to the other, always will time. I don't distinguish between blockages as they are all stored somewhere in our "temples", our bodies...
Thank you for reading!
Your Massage Therapist & and Thai Massage Teacher,
Elina Elia