I posted on Instagram the other day, and what I posted wasn't what I initially started to write. My main target was to share with you my forever short moto I use to ground my modern self to a mindful and healthy self (there is always space for improvement) ; in words, #healthoverwealth or else, Health is the only Wealth. In addition, I wanted to send out a friendly reminder that my Massage Clinic is fully booked for the next month. Then, I got stuck somewhere in the middle when I first typed the word Self-Activism, deleted my text, and signed up for expanding my thought during the weekend.
This was the post:
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What does #healthoverwealth really has to do with the fact that The Massage Clinic is Fully booked for Febuary?
Numerous links...Let's see...
I will always urge you to fight excess consumerism and to spend more of your time or money, investing in a healthier, calmer, and happier self. On the contrary, I shared that I am unable to be of service to more people for the upcoming month.
Keep that thought...🙏
Moreover, the waiting list for cancellations is quite long, and still growing. Would like to raise this matter: Please be patient, compassionate, and kind enough to either wait for vacancies, or to book a session further ahead if you are aware of your schedule. Communication is key, so please always reach out, ask me anything, I love that. I will get back as soon as I can. However, I will do my best to be of help whether you ask for it or not, and I will prioritize bookings the way I know best 🙏
What is happening here, is that whilst you may fight to break free from useless or harmful habits, your mind and body routine, anxiety, lack of spirituality, any kind of blockage, or simply need a reboot, and youpush the strings to achieve your goal via Massage Therapy ONLY, you may be risking being free from attachment, and to be in control over your Wellbeing. It's another harmful overkill to put your Wellbeing on hold because you can't find an appointment with me or any other Massage Therapist.
At the same time that I share with you a form of Healthy Boundaries, and how I perceive their impact over my life, I have to simultaneously set some boundaries for myself. I know that anyone who would bother read this, simply cares - connects - appreciates , so this post comes out guilt-free. This blog is open to read for our members only, so the good news is that there is no introduction needed. This is great, as Massage Therapy and Bodywork Practice is quite different for each one of you.
You all know the energy I put into every single session with you. If I don't tame , control, observe what happens with that, it will be catastrophic. Just like when I tell you to take breaks, to ground your self, to rest, to prioritize life as a gift and respect it, be mindful and to embrace Holistic Health; I have to always walk this path myself, and live in truth 💚
Massage Therapy is one of the most ancient, efficient, non-invasive and beautiful ways to shield and promote your #wellbeing, achieve #freeflow of #energy, enhance your mood, balance #mindbodyspirit, receive loving touch, release muscular and emotional tension, unblock the body through authentic bodywork and so so much more.
However, there are so many other Holistic Practices suitable to aid to some of the above. To a path towards a healthier self to all levels, we are expected to take control over our health, and build healthy habits. To name a few, these habits require an active self-care routine, the ability to receive holistic practices both in passive/actice ways, the strength to avoid harmful extremes, the wisdom to foresee what may be harmful, the wilderness to embrace and promote the underlying kind and loving nature of the humanity in modern societies even if you don't see it, and be consistent to your self-care.
The most important to all of the above is that Practices such as Massage Therapy cannot be framed to individuals who NEED it, but more to everyone who understands it. It's such an honor that you choose my service to your path to a better you, and I will always thank you and my life that I am in that position. From this position, I am also determined to not lose myself, embrace my wilderness, claim my freedom, set my boundaries, and never feed off of your need/wish for my service.
Self-Activism for me became a way of Life way before this profession. I have been claiming my rights as a child, and this is what brought me here, to choose Massage Therapy as a profession that will elevate my existence and allow me to practically help others. There is no way back, no way to lose my rights, I aim to be a complete person, a complete woman. A complete person can never be just one thing all day.
Wealth in this case for me, could be the money I receive from you. If I prioritized wealth, I would have no limit to my bookings, and would always respond to your last-minute requests (😇) . I started this "job" with 100 "No's" and 5 "Yesses" and this is what I try to share with you. Self-Activism. My 5 "Yesses" to offer my service may be of help so here they are...I only say yes to:
- Ethical Practice
- Safe/Effective Practice
- Omnipresent time limit of sessions set within a day (needed adjustment, fixed)
- Respect
- Honesty
All of the above on both ends, for me, and you.
You may sabotage yourself when you rely on someone's service to heal, rejuvenate, reconnect, empty, restore, rest. I may sabotage myself when I rely on you. So I make sure to have my 5 "yesses" intact , which gives me the confidence to never have to rely.
One healthy way to approach your Total Wellbeing is to realize that you do need to take action yourself and not always rely solely on one holistic service provider. There are tons of other Holistic/Low impact/Creative Practices that can ethically aid you in self-development. If your challenge is solely physical, you may want to look into other Traditional Holistic Practices such as Yoga etc.
Now, in modern society and "Wealth" in its sad material sense ...
Not everyone can handle taking control of all of the above without any guidance... The first excuse or reaction raising an obstacle to it is most often than not, the financial factor.
Now PLEASE, let me not analyze how differently you could approach your finances. A little less consumerism and a little more self-activism can make it a piece of cake.
I urge you to stop limiting yourselves by finding reasons or excuses of why you cannot be active in your own change. The only limits worth imposing are to protect yourself, sometimes from yourself. Societal Structure has impacted our train of thought to think that we are this superficial being that is responsible for others but a victim to itself. Trust me, you are completely and entirely irresponsible, if you don't take care of your own self.
Most of you have gone a long way embracing Traditional Massage Therapy as a vehicle to Wellbeing to a point where it has become overwhelming and life-changing for me . However , your Wellbeing requires a lot more... That is why the elevated Hammock Wellness Centre came to life. My Activism towards myself is to make sure I always am there for myself, as I am there for you, and my family. This means I have to set my boundaries, but it also means that, because I can't grow another pair of hands, it doesn't mean that I cannot offer you the opportunity to try other practitioners healing qualities who I believe they honor my 5 Yesses and beyond.
I care for every single one of you.. whether or not you believe it...I have set my self free from attachments so I can wide my range of impact...so... could you please make sure you don't lose yourselves? Could you please be kind to yourself? Or raise the red flag and fight for who you were or you you want to be? Can you stop hating yourself? Can you please dedicate more time for yourself? Can you please purchase less matierial goods and invest more in your Wellbeing? I am noone to judge what/when/where you will spend your earnings, but can you please make sure you don't count pennies when it comes to your Wellness, your mental, physical, and spiritual health? Can you fight your i,stant pleasure modern self? Find the strength to do it!!! You deserve it!!! Not only this will impact you, but the rest of society too. Everything will for into place. Can you pay attention to your instincts? Can you weigh first the pros and then the cons when you do that? Do you realize I am not a writer and that it's normal that you may have to read this 5 times?
I definitely realize that my writings may be a mess, just the first climb of the mountain, inadequate, and imperfect. I am also confident that I have shared a piece of myself with you already and that you are able to decode everything without any more guidance!
I will always aim to educate you by sharing what I have already accomplished and learned from my life, studies, and profession, and urge you to prioritize Health over Material Wealth, even though I can't be of direct help through Massage right now.
Start digging into you, start digging into other Holistic Practices, start expanding your physical existence to be part of this magical world. Believe in it.
You all have made me change how I see the world. I don't know whether you enter a different state of consciousness when you enter Hammock, but if the self you bring here, could exist a little more out there, maybe things would be better? 90% of the people I have met in my Wellness Temple are so pure, and with good intention. The rest may need work, but we all do, and this is what we are discussing. However, this is simply my perspective. I ought to be judgemental in the effort to maintain my boundaries, but in a way that it just gives space for some people to just stay away. Not everything/everyone is for everyone. The source of my profession is my Soul, so I had to draw a colorful line when people tried to "advice" me how to use or run my Soul.
Being ignorant is part of losing ourselves, and forgetting how unique, different, uncategorized our fellow humans journeys are.
A taste of your own Self Activism , is what you preach when you visit me; a little more bold, a little more colourful, a little slower, a little softer, a little more trust (make sure your choices fulfill your requirements), and your intention to focus on yourself, to honor your existence.
This healthy mess has to come to an end so that I can enjoy the rest of this beautiful wintery Sunday 💚
Draw the Line - Your time is precious !
Your friend,
Elina 🙏